Riverton Yacht Club


New Jersey State
Lightning Championships Regatta

September 6, 2008
Riverton Yacht Club

We managed to fit in 4 races before Hurricane Hanna struck and it did make for a wet afternoon and an on the edge of you seat 4th race with some amazing record breaking speeds for a number of daring boats.  In attendance were 3 boats from Ocean City YC, 2 from Susquehanna YC, 1 from Little Egg YC, the remaining from Riverton YC, and our winner George Harrington with crew Art Guerrera and Paul Michalowski from Monmouth Boat Club.  We also had an appearance of Randy Shore from Quantum Sails who could experience the river sailing first hand. Riverton sailors took 2nd through 4th in the regatta.  The teams, volunteers, and PRO (and Lightning Class Chief Measurer) Bill Clausen enjoyed comparing stories around the keg afterwards while watching a couple wind surfers flying back and forth across the river while in a spectacular amount of ‘sideways rain’ later in the evening. The regatta was a success and Riverton Yacht Club was very happy to host the event for our fellow Lightning competitors.


Skipper Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Total Place
Harrington, George 15367 3 5 1 1 10 1
Schneider, Mark 15154 1 3 5 4 13 2
Townsend, John 15385 7 2 2 2 13 3
Martin, Bobby 14890 6 1 8 3 18 4
Hostvedt, Sam 15373 9 11 3 5 28 5
Glenn, George 14415 11 4 7 6 28 6
Hutchison, Hugh 15055 2 6 6 16 30 7
Prior, Trevor 14074 4 12 9 7 32 8
Shore, Randy; |
Parker, John
14940 8 7 4 16 35 9
Bates, John 14525
(Spinnaker 14821)
5 8 11 16 40 10
Nicholson, Bruce 14214 13 10 10 16 49 11
Schneider, Franz 15079 12 9 13 16 50 12
Nicholson, Bart 13740 10 14 12 16 52 13
Mangan, John 14060 14 13 14 16 57 14
Steinriede, Kent 11519 16 16 15 16 63 15

click on photo for full-size image

For more photos go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/mistral938

More photos at Byron Campbell's Website

More photos from the regatta, by Kathy Swangler

1st place -George Harrington 2nd place - Mark Schneider 3rd place - John Townsend
4th place - Bobby Martin 4th place - Bobby Martin 5th place - Sam Hostvedt
5th place - Sam Hostvedt Bart Nicholson Downwind Buoy
Downwind to the Bridge Randy Parker & John Shore  
