Riverton Yacht Club


Crew Call

Are you looking for people to crew on your boat? Are you willing to crew on someone else's boat?

If so, send your name & contact information to svollmer2@gmail.com and we'll post it here.


Looking for Crew

Want to Crew on Someone Else's Boat

Name & Boat Name

Tucker Partel

I am interested in crewing on a J22 (or other types/classes) for the coming season.  I am open to any position and would be available for some pre-season boat prep. 

I have been sailing since I was a child on L.I. Sound (Sunfish, Puffer, Tartan 30, Bristol 35.5).  On occasion, I have crewed in a handful of races in the last few years (day long ocean races like Moffett/Round Martha’s Vineyard).  In general, I have good boat sense and sailing basics. I would be able to come up to speed fairly quickly.  I spent a week attending J-World's "Intro to Racing" course in Key West in March.  This 5 day course was taught on J-24s.  I am 36 years old, 6’3” 200 lbs. 


Cell (215) 495-7411

Dave Mays
Palmyra, NJ

I did a little bit of ICYRA racing in college, about 10 years ago, and have done a fair amount of cruising around here and down to the Chesapeake.
