Riverton Yacht Club



As amended October 29, 2005

  • General

  • Guest

  • Property

  • Moorings,
    Dinghy Storage
    & Drysail Area
  • Boat Storage

  • Violations



1. Members and guests are expected to conduct themselves properly while at the Club or while representing the Club elsewhere.

2. In the interest of safety, no swimming, diving, water skiing, fishing, etc. is permitted from the Club property or in the area of the Club anchorage.

3. Pets on the pier are the responsibility of the owner. Dogs must be on a six-foot leash. Owners are responsible for clean up after pet.

4. Bicycles are not allowed on the pier. They shall be parked in the rack in an orderly manner so as not to obstruct passage of vehicles and pedestrians.

5. In the interest of sanitation, trash and refuse shall be placed in cans provided.

6. Children 6 and under and non-swimmers must wear life jackets while on Club property and be accompanied by an adult.

7. All members under 18 years of age and their guests are subject to a 10:00 P.M. curfew.

8. In the interest of safety, any member found guilty by the Board of Directors of setting off or causing to be set off, fireworks of any description, either on or from Club property or Club mooring area, will be automatically suspended from the Club for a period to be determined by the Board of Directors.



1. Guests will be accompanied at all times by a member in good standing, the member being responsible for the action of their guests.

2. Guests with boats may have the use of the Club facilities only with the prior consent of a Flag Officer. Such use must be under the supervision of the sponsoring member.




1. Club safety equipment such as but not limited to life jackets, lines, buckets, etc. shall be used only for its intended purpose.

2. Lockers will be assigned by number by the Club for use on or after April 1st and upon payment of the locker fee to the Club Treasurer. Do not use other than the locker assigned. Flammable materials are prohibited in lockers or storeroom. Any locks on unassigned lockers will be removed on May 1st by Club and a Club lock will be installed.

3. No one under 18 years of age may operate hoists. Extreme care and judgment is expected when using hoists. Loads approaching maximum capacity should be avoided. Hoist should be used for intended purpose only.

4. One or more boats are maintained for rescue work as required, and as work boats for moorings, etc. They are also used during regattas for transportation within the harbor area. Sail boats are also maintained for the Junior Sailing Program. These boats shall not be used for other purposes without prior permission of a Flag Officer or Chairperson of the Junior Program. They may be used by authorized members only.

5. Club dinghies are maintained for use by members who wet store, for transportation to and from their moored boats. Dinghies may not be tied to mooring and must be returned to float as soon as possible.



Members of the Club renting a mooring, dinghy storage or a drysail area on the pier shall comply with the policies as specified below:

1. Moorings. The club has sailboat moorings equipped with various size anchors, positioned in a range of water depths. The rental of these moorings is subject to sailboats with length, draft and seaworthiness acceptable to the Harbor Master. Boat owners are to ensure mooring lines are appropriately sized and in good condition.

2. Dinghy Storage. Rental of space for dinghy storage shall be limited to members renting moorings, subject to availability of space.

3. Dry Sailing on Pier. Members making an initial request to keep their boat at RYC shall contact the Dock Master to confirm space availability prior to submitting rental fees. Priority will be given to boats belonging to RYC recognized racing fleets. Stickers confirming payment of fees shall be issued each year and are to be displayed on the tongue of each trailer. Spaces for the boats will be clearly marked on the pier and will be assigned by Fleet Captains. Boats that do not race will be positioned by the Fleet Captain to expedite Wednesday night launching and retrieval operations. Lasers, Optimists, and Sunfish must be stored in Club racks. All boats shall be kept in shipshape condition with spars secured, covers tied down, halyards and gear properly secured and stored and no parts lying on the ground. All trailer wheels shall be kept in good condition and tires inflated so that each trailer may be moved when necessary. The decision on whether or not a boat fails to meet the requirement for continued storage on Club property will be made by the respective Fleet Captains (FC) & Dock Master and approved by the Board of Directors of the Club. Due to limited space availability Owners of inactive boats may be asked to find off pier storage.

4. Insurance. All boats moored or stored at RYC shall be covered by liability insurance and acknowledgement is implicit in the request for space.
5. Late Fee. Fees paid after the deadline for RYC storage dues will be assessed a $50 late fee subject to space still being available.



1. Trailers used for dry storage shall be of a sturdy and stable design, complete with tie downs to secure the boat to the trailer to lessen the possibility of damage to adjacent boats during wind storms. As a matter of courtesy, trailers should be moved from hoist area immediately after launching.

2. Major repairs, overhauls and fitting out shall not be carried out on the pier.

3. Location of individual mooring positions shall be assigned by the Harbor Master. In the interest of safety to all boats, only moorings approved by the Harbor Master shall be used. Those boats approved by the Harbor Master may be moored in the harbor area.

4. Winter storage of boats and property is allowed with permission of the Dock Master.


A violation of club rules is subject to penalty at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


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