Riverton Yacht Club


2009 Adult Sailing Instruction

Please note: all adult classes are now full.

Lessons will be available in two three-week sessions.
Each session will have lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 6:15 pm until 9:00 pm (18 hrs total)
The lessons on Tuesdays will be in small boats and on Thursdays in big boats.

Session I
Session II
June 23, 25 & 30
July 21, 23 & 30
July 2, 7 & 14
August 4 & 6

Cost: $250
Includes membership in The Yacht Club for the season.
If you are already a club member cost is reduced to $175

Download an application:
MS Word File (319k) or PDF (17k)

Mail completed registration forms to:
Devon Rapp
207 Bank Ave, Apt 4
Riverton NJ 08077

For more information or to enroll contact: Devon Rapp at devrapp@comcast.net or (856)905-7983

Juniors Sail Camp for children ages 7-16


RYC photos