Riverton Yacht Club


Riverton Yacht Club Cruising Class Race Instructions

Revised 25 April 2006

Downloadable PDF

1. Scope

The following sailing instructions shall be in affect of all cruising class races sailed at Riverton Yacht Club unless altered or replaced by a specific event sailing instructions. Competition shall be in accordance with the US Sail Rules of Racing except as modified herein.

2. Awards (From the RYC series race instructions)

The club will provide, at the annual awards event, a maximum of five sets of trophies to each active racing fleet. At a maximum a set of trophies will consist of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for the winning skippers. Also provided to each winning skipper will be only one set of crew trophies. Regardless of the number of trophies he/she wins.

The five sets of trophies will be given as follows: Four series and one set for club fleet champion.

To qualify for the awarding of club trophies, a series shall consist of no less than six races. A race shall have a minimum of three starting boats in a fleet and at least one boat finishing within the time limit of 2 ½ hours for daytime races and 2 hours for evening races.

The following throw-out system shall be used for all classes racing: one throw out will be allowed for each 5 races sailed by the fleet/class. Thus:

Races Started


The number of trophies awarded by the club for a series shall be based on the number of boats qualifying for the series. In order to be considered a qualifier a skipper must be able to score 5 races after a throw out in a particular series (6 races sailed with 5 counting after a throw out; 5 races sailed and tallied in the scoring with 1 DNS used as a throw out; when only 5 races are sailed, the DNS must be the throw out in scoring a 6 race series).

Three or less qualifiers
Four qualifiers
Five qualifiers
One place
Two places
Three places

Scoring for club series

    DNS: number of starters in race plus two
    DNF: number of boats starting plus one
    DSQ: number of boats starting plus two

3. Eligibility

In accordance with the club rules a full member in good standing of Riverton Yacht Club must skipper each yacht. The skipper may appoint a driver or a substitute captain in his absence provided the substitute captain is a full member of Riverton Yacht Club. Contributing members are not eligible to skipper in races which are closed to the general public. Invitational or open regattas are not subject to membership requirements. Competitors are required to comply with the 6P requirements of the Chesapeake Bay PHRF.

4. Scoring & Class/Fleet Definitions

The cruising class shall be scored on a handicap system using the Performance Handicap Rating Formula. Valid PHRF certificates are not required but the skipper is responsible for verifying the accuracy of his rating and complying provisions of the PHRF. For the purposes of club racing the ratings can be adjusted for an individual series or regatta but the rating shall remain constant throughout a given series or regatta (Spinnaker vs. Non-spinnaker). Each competitor shall be responsible for notifying the Class scorer prior to the first race of the configuration and rating they will be sailing under. The default will be the standard PHRF rating. Events shall be scored and the results shall be posted on the Riverton Yacht Club Web site and the cruising fleet bulletin board located in the club breezeway.

Race committee duty - If a skipper is on race committee for a club series event he will receive an average score of the series for serving his/her duty. For eligibility purposes the score for race committee service will count as a sailed race.

PHRF Time on Time (TOT)
The times from each valid race shall be used to compute a corrected time based on the following formula. Time allowance for a given race depends only on the time of the race. The following is a TOT conversion formula shall be used to convert the standard PHRF TOD handicap into a TOT Time Correction Factor (TCF).
TCF  = ------------------
RYC B Factor = 550
RYC A Factor = 650
To get the corrected time, simply multiply the elapsed time by the TCF.
Corrected Time = Elapsed Time * TCF
Reference  - http://www.ussailing.org/phrf/TOT.htm

PHRF Time on Distance
The times from each valid race shall be used to compute a corrected time based on the following formula. The PHRF supplies a single correction factor that is applied regardless of the conditions of the race, but the numbers are assigned locally to reflect actual performance of the boat type sailing in local conditions.
The basic time-on-distance formula is:

TA = ( D x PHRF ) / 60
TA = Time Allowance in minutes
D = course length in miles
PHRF = rating in seconds per mile
Subtracting the time allowance (TA) from the actual time it took the boat to sail the race (elapsed time or ET) equals the corrected time (CT).
The scoring method to be used shall be posted on the bulletin board in the club breezeway. If not specified the TOD method shall be used.

To create closer competition the Cruising Class shall be divided into two fleets according to the PHRF ratings as follows:

Cruising Class
A Fleet – PHRF Ratings  ≤  200
B Fleet – PHRF Ratings > 200

Fleets shall be considered separate and a minimum of three boats are required in each fleet for a race to be considered valid. Fleets may be combined for a regatta or race series but fleets may not be combined for a single race in a series if it is to be counted in the series scoring.

If a competitor chooses not to fly spinnaker and the rating bonus raises his rating above the fleet threshold the competitor shall have the option of remaining in the lower fleet or moving to the higher fleet. Boats close to the threshold may be moved at the discretion of the rating committee to promote competition. 

Spinnakers & Non-spinnaker adjustment schedule
Yachts can compete with or without spinnakers. Each boat shall have a PHRF rating based on the boat with all standard equipment included. A rating bonus shall be computed for racing without spinnaker in accordance with the following formula. The bonus will be added to the base rating for a series or regatta in which the competitor chooses not to fly spinnaker. If a competitor chooses not to fly spinnaker for tactical, crew or equipment reasons the rating shall remain what was designated for the series.
Compute M / G = (P x E) / (I x J)
Adjust spinnaker rating by the following to obtain non-spinnaker rating:
M / G Adjustment:



+ sec/mile

Representative Boats








Cat 38; CC 24, 38-1




Psn 26, Cal25




J35; Psn 30, Tartan 30, Lippincott 30




J37; Sov 33, Tanzer 22 & 25




J24, 40; Benet 32, Capri 26




J22, 36; Sant 35




J29, 30, S2 7.9




J27; Sonar; Tart 10




Kirby 25; Psn Triton 7/8




Psn Flyer; X3/4T; Impulse 26




Ensign; Lindenburg 22




Etchells 22








Freedom 30, 36 sloop




Freedom 29, 32




















S Boat













7.00 & Greater



               Reference – Spinnaker adjustment formula based on Charleston Ocean Racing Association (CORA)

5. Running Aground

Using a propulsion engine is prohibited under Rule 42.3d of the US Sail Rules of Racing.

Except when permitted in rule 42.3 or 45, a boat shall compete by using only the wind and water to increase, maintain or decrease her speed. Her crew may adjust the trim of sails and hull, and perform other acts of seamanship, but shall not otherwise move their bodies to propel the boat.

42.3d   To get clear after grounding or colliding with another boat or object, a boat may use force applied by the crew of either boat and any equipment other than a propulsion engine.

6. Race Management

Club sponsored races shall be conducted in the vicinity of Riverton Yacht Club on the Delaware River. Race notices shall be posted on the bulletin board in the club breeze way. Races shall be started using the traffic signals mounted on the club or from a Race Committee boat on the water.

RYC Starting Sequence - Starts from the club shall be as follows:

Fleets using rolling starts at 5 minute intervals

1 min before 00:00

Audible – Horn
Visual - None
Announcement - In approximately 1 minute, there will be a 5 minute warning for the “J22 Fleet”


Audible - Horn,
Visual -  Green - 5 Minute warning light on
Announcement - “that was also the 5 min warning for J22 Fleet”


Audible – None
Visual - “Green - 5 Minute warning light off”
Announcement – None


Audible – Horn
Visual - Green - 5 Minute warning light & Red Start light on.
Announcement – J22 fleet is clear” or “number xx over early” and once he is back of the line, announce “fleet is clear”.  Red Start light off after all boats are clear
Announcement - that was also the 5 min warning for Lightning Fleet


Audible – None
Visual - “Green -5 Minute warning light off”
Announcement – None


Audible – Horn
Visual - Green - 5 Minute warning light & Red Start light on
Announcement – Lightning fleet is clear” or “number xx over early” and once he is back of the line, announce “fleet is clear”. Red Start light off after all boats are clear
Announcement - that was also the 5 min warning for Mariner Fleet


Audible – None
Visual - “Green -5 Minute warning light off”
Announcement – None


Audible – Horn
Visual - Green - 5 Minute warning light & Red Start light on
Announcement – Mariner fleet is clear” or “number xx over early” and once he is back of the line, announce “fleet is clear”. Red Start light off after all boats are clear
Announcement - that was also the 5 min warning for the Cruising Fleet


Audible – None
Visual - “Green -5 Minute warning light off”
Announcement – None


Audible – Horn
Visual - Green - 5 Minute warning light & Red Start light on
Announcement – Cruising fleet is clear” or “number xx over early” and once he is back of the line, announce “fleet is clear”. Red Start light off after all boats are clear


The rolling starts shall continue as described above until all fleets have started. Minor deviations in the sequence described shall not be grounds for protest.

Starting order shall be as follows:

J22, Lightning, Mariner, Cruising Fleets A & B Combined

In the event of a general recall or a fleet is not ready, the fleet goes to the end of the sequence. If a fleet is not present the fleets will start on a five minute rolling start skipping the absent fleet. (IE – if the Lightnings are not present the Mariner fleet will start five minutes after the J2 2 Fleet.)

RYC Starting Sequence - Starts from a committee boat shall be as follows:
Sequence details to be provided at the skippers meeting or event race instructions.

The race course shall utilize club race marks, government channel markers and temporary club buoys’.  The course shall be specified by the Race Committee with feedback from the cruising fleet captain to establish courses which fulfill the fleet objectives. For races started from the club the course shall be posted using sign boards attached to the porch roof of the club. The fleet signs shall be in the order that the fleets start on a five minute rolling start sequence. If a general recall occurs during the rolling start the offending fleet shall move to the end of the sequence so as not to penalize subsequent fleets. 

Time limits - Time limits shall be in accordance with club policy –

Evening races shall be conducted with a two hour time limit. The lead boat must cross the finish line within 120:00 minutes of the start of the race. Once the first boat finishes remaining boats shall be free to sail until they finish the race or abandon. If a boat continues to sail and the race committee ends the event the racer shall receive a score equal to the last finisher plus 1. If a boat abandons the race prior to the race committee calling the event the competitor shall be scored as the last number of starters plus 1.

Weekend Races shall be identical to Evening races except the time limit shall be 150:00 minutes for the first boat to finish.

Specialty Events – Specialty events such as the overnight race shall not have a time limit unless specified in the race instructions for the event.

Regattas – For multi race events the race committee may institute a “Time to finish” rule to keep the regatta moving and limit the amount of time the lead boats wait between races. When the “Time to Finish” rule is in effect in effect the race automatically ends XX minutes after the first boat crosses the finish line. This is only in effect if designated for the specific event and the competitors continue to sail until the races is abandoned. If a race is abandoned each boat should report to the starting area for the start of the next race. Boats not finishing within the specified limit are scored as the last number of finishers +X. Boats that retire prior to the time limit expiring are scored as a DNF last number of starters +1.

Course Shortening /Abandonment –
The race committee shall be responsible for monitoring the progress of the race and shortening or abandoning the race as it deems necessary. Changes shall be in accordance with the Rules of Racing. Competitors shall be notified of any changes either directly from the Race Committee as they pass the club or by a club launch prior to the first boat rounding the mark where the change occurred.

7. Safety

PHRF Requirements
PHRF requires all yachts racing to have certain equipment onboard. Each competitor is responsible for assuring that the vessel is race worthy and the required equipment is on board. Failure top have the equipment shall be grounds for protest or exclusion form club sponsored events. Here is the link that lists basic equipment; our class requirement is class 6P, which is inshore racing:


Highlights of what this list includes is a first aid kit, anchor, lights, fire extinguishers, radio receiver, etc.

Participants in the annual overnight race are recommended to have a VHF Radio, a radar reflector, a functional motor and a spot light in addition to the normal equipment listed for class 6P.


RYC photos